October is always a good month! With Halloween and fall colors turning all the trees into a wonderful art piece its hard to compete with!
What I worked on this month –
October was a big month of planning and preparing. I finished my last day with my employer on the 29th and out my big girl pants on the 30th focusing on a long term approach to my personal business plan. Hopefully, this was the last time I have to work for someone else! (Fingers crossed for sure!)
I spent my spare time juicing lime scooters and creating a realistic review of what that entails and if it is a good side hustle to pursue. I think this post will do very well and I hope to review other side hustle possibilities in the future!
Stock Market Portfolio –
My goal for my stock portfolio is function as a long-term dividend account. My diversification strategy is broken-down by different sectors and areas. I try and stay close to this breakdown – The majority of my dividends come from the Real Estate Sector and the Finance Sector.
So, here are my October investing numbers!

After earning $105 in dividends this month, my portfolio is on the brink of hitting $30,000 in total value! I am very excited for that milestone and the compounding interest that will continue to increase as well!

My biggest dividend earner is still NYMT which has become a stable in my long-term portfolio. I also reinvested my dividends from September and purchased 22 shares in the NYL stock to keep balancing out my portfolio.
Side Hustles –
I spent a little bit of time juicing lime scooters and ended up with a gross earnings of almost $113 and a net earnings of $67.21. I finally hit a total gross earning of more than $1000 as another great milestone!

Photography Business –
I released my 2022 Hawaii Calendar and am expecting sales to be pretty good overall! I adjusted the sizing of the calendar in an effort to increase my earnings margin and get a better deal. I think next year I will focus more on my original size idea. October was my highest number or print sales and my highest gross earning month so far. Which is a great sign for future sales!
Feel free to check out my Photography Website to read about my different travel adventures around the world. Or you can take a look at some awesome video clips I’ve put together on my YouTube Channel. If you really love my work, take a gander at what’s on sale in my Photo Gallery or my Etzy Page.
Home Projects –
My next home projects is bulking up my food storage which means buying a small deep freezer! I have a lot of home canned fruits and vegetables but my goal is to build up a 6 months supply that I can rotate food through and cover my but in case of an emergency.

And of course, I spent a lot of time snuggling with my pup!

What I want to focus on in November –
Since I now work solely for myself it is time to put all the planning and prepping into gear and start grinding out work! I finally settled on a name for the new careers podcast – Careers At A Glance! I have the first few guests already selected and now its time to get talking and pushing out episodes. I am very excited that everything is coming together and falling into place. I can’t wait to see how it all plays out in the next few months!

Goals for 2021 –
- Be present! At work and in my personal life I find myself rushing to get from A to B to C. I am guilty of cutting phone calls short or trying to multitask through meetings and even conversations. I want to focus on slowing things down and being present with every person I interact with.
- Spend more time pursuing Photography! It is one of my passions in life and something that I truly enjoy! I have been working on getting my travel blog up and running but as of now, that is all past trips I have already taken and thought others would enjoy. I want to plan out a new adventure for this year… or maybe a couple!
- Also related to photography, I want to focus more time on creating images specifically for stock photography websites. This will hopefully be a long term passive income stream that just keeps on giving little bits and pieces back.
- Working on training my puppy! We have gotten through potty training and know sit but, we really need to work on leash pulling, not jumping and some more basic manners. We all have to start somewhere!
Long-Term Goals –
- Pay off my Mortgage and be 100% debt free! My goal is to pay it off completely by 2030. A hard target! But if I stick to my budget and keep reminding myself why it is some important I know I can make it happen!
- Participate in a Triathlon and a Winter Triathlon. I completed a full marathon while I was stationed in Hawaii back in December of 2014. And I also completed the Baton Memorial Death March in spring of 2019. That is held in New Mexico every year and it truly an emotional experience!
- Build a Dividend Portfolio that generates around $2,000 per month. That would equate to about $24,000 annually, just from dividends. With my current diversification strategy, that would mean a $600,000 stock Portfolio earning an average of 4% on dividends. We are a long way away from reaching that but, it’s all about those baby steps along the way!
© EuduringFinances, 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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