I started Lime Juicing this Month! I applied in May and the approval came through just after Memorial Day. It has been quite the experience! I have been working a few hours on the weekends and a couple evenings after I get off of work.
For a completely PRN, work when I want to work gig, its going nicely. I’ll get off work and pick up a few to charge on my home and drop them back off that night or early before work the next day. It isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, its a physical job with the lifting of the scooters. They weigh around 25 pounds and I life them in and out of my truck to charge them. I’ve found them in different spots around the city and even floating in the river!
I make decent money doing it too! In June I grossed just over $600 and averaged around $10 and hour. I have to account for the cost of gas and the electricity used to charge the scooters meaning I netted just under $400 in earnings.

I plan on putting all my net earnings from juicing the lime scooters into my stock portfolio. My hard decision was to put the profit towards my house or invest it into stocks. It is a choice that a lot of people have to make. The pros and cons made me decide to split my decision. Anything extra in my budget (not including the lime scooters) goes towards the house. All the lime earnings goes into my stocks!
I also continued to focus on Retirement Planning, an wrote a post about What an Individual Retirement Account is!
Long Term Stock Market Goals –
My goal for my stock portfolio is function as a long-term dividend account. My diversification strategy is broken-down by different sectors and areas. I try and stay close to this breakdown – The majority of my dividends come from the Real Estate Sector and the Finance Sector.
The market stayed pretty steady so my Stock Portfolio stayed right around $28,300. My Lending Club Portfolio is slowing decreasing as those loans close out. It is down under $600 now. I am happy to slowly see my stock portfolio increase and my lending club balance decreasing!

In June, I made just over $64 in dividend earnings! The best part about my investment strategy is turning around and reinvesting those earnings into my portfolio. My portfolio keeps growing and my dividends keep getting larger.

I only purchased stock in one company this month, NRZ. I plan on taking my Lime earnings from June and investing them in early July!

Photography Business –
My Photography is still going strong! I sold a print for almost $90 in June! I worked hard on catching up on all my shots from Hawaii and am now moving into my Germany adventures. I am still enjoying that process and look forward to my next adventures as I plan on going camping in early July!
Feel free to check out my Photography Website to read about my different travel adventures around the world. Or you can take a look at some awesome video clips I’ve put together on my YouTube Channel. If you really love my work, take a gander at what’s on sale in my Photo Gallery or my Etzy Page.
My Goals –
- Be present! At work and in my personal life I find myself rushing to get from A to B to C. I am guilty of cutting phone calls short or trying to multitask through meetings and even conversations. I want to focus on slowing things down and being present with every person I interact with.
- Pay off my Mortgage and be 100% debt free! My goal is to pay it off completely by 2030. A hard target! But if I stick to my budget and keep reminding myself why it is some important I know I can make it happen!
- Build a Dividend Portfolio that generates around $2,000 per month. That would equate to about $24,000 annually, just from dividends. With my current diversification strategy, that would mean a $600,000 stock Portfolio earning an average of 4% on dividends. We are a long way away from reaching that but, it’s all about those baby steps along the way!
I also was able to focus on my goal of being present in my life. I took a day off of work and traveled out of state to spending some time with my Grandpa. It was a long day of travel in the heat but those hours I was able to spend with him were priceless!
© EuduringFinances, 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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