Lime started back in 2017. Since then, a lot of things have changed for Juicers and other workers. Logistics Partners and their teams now typically handle the day-to-day operations of charging, deploying, and retrieving Lime scooters & bikes in most cities, states, and countries. They operate as small businesses with either contract employees (traditional Juicers) or common-law employees working under them. This means if you want to charge scooters or move bikes for Lime you will need to either apply to become a Logistics Partner or find one to work under for.
This post will focus on working for a Logistics Partner, not operating as one. To learn more about becoming a Logistics Partner, click here.
Feel free to jump around to see specific sections –
- How Does Working For Lime As A Juicer Work?
- How To Use The New Lime Supply App
- How To Swap Out Lime Batteries
- How To Pick Up Lime Scooters And Bikes
- How To Drop Off Lime Scooters And Bikes
- How To Charge Lime Scooters
- How Much Can You Make Working As A Juicer For Lime?
- How Do You Get Paid By Lime As A Juicer?
- Cons To Working As Juicer For Lime
- Is Working For Lime As A Juicer Still Worth It?
- How Do You Become A Lime Juicer?

How Does Working For Lime As A Juicer Work In 2024?
Juicing for Lime is a very easy and lucrative way to make money as a part time job or maybe even a full time job. Typically, a city will operate completely with battery swaps or they will have older scooters that need to be physically charged. Some cities have E-Bikes and eventually, the older model scooters will all phase out and the newer Gen 4 Scooters with swappable batteries. That being said, there are multiple ways to make money for all the different scooters and bikes out there.
There are 5 different ways to make money with Lime-
- Battery Swap Tasks – Swapping rechargeable batteries without having to move the scooters or bikes.
- Charge Tasks – Picking up scooters from various random locations, charging the batteries (typically at your home or garage) and dropping them off in set LimeHub locations.
- Move Tasks – Moving scooters and bikes from random locations to set centralized LimeHub locations. Move tasks can also be referred to as rebalancing tasks. (Move tasks are very prominent now especially for cities with the new Gen4 scooters and bikes.)
- Retrieve Tasks – Picking up scooters and bikes that may be damaged, broken, or in need of servicing and dropping them off at a LimeBase or warehouse.
- Deploy Tasks – Picking up scooters and bikes from a LimeBase or warehouse, and dropping them off at various LimeHubs for public use.
Individual cities may have different time limits for each task to be completed in. Some may allow for 12 hours while others might only allow for 4 hours.

Battery Swap Tasks are identified by BLUE colors on the map. Battery Swaps can pay anywhere from $2.50 to $4.50 per scooter or bike. The average pay rate is around $3.10 for a single battery. On average, it takes less than a minute to physically swap the old battery out for a new one.
Move Tasks are identified by GREEN colors on the map. Move tasks typically have a 2 to 4-hour window to complete them. Move tasks can pay anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00 per scooter or $2.50 to $6.00 per bike. The average pay rate is around $3.25 per scooter and $4.35 per bike. Sometimes if a scooter or bike has been sitting in a location too long, the move task can pay out for $10.00!
Retrieve Tasks are identified by RED colors on the map. Retrieve tasks typically have a 5 to 12-hour window to complete them depending on your location. Retrieve tasks can pay anywhere from $2.00 to $6.00 per scooter or $2.00 to $7.00 per bike. The average pay rate is around $4.10 per scooter and $4.65 per bike.
Charging Tasks are identified by BROWN colors on the map. They typically operate with two set deadlines – 10:00 am or 7:00 pm depending upon when you pick up the scooters. The pick-up cut off is usually 7 hours before the next deadline. Meaning if you pick up a scooter at 11:00 am you would need to have it charged and dropped back off before 7:00 pm that same evening. But, if you waited until noon to pick up the same scooter, you would have until 10:00 am the next morning to charge and drop off the scooter. Charge tasks can pay anywhere from $3.20 to $5.75 per scooter based on your location. The average pay rate is around $4.43 per scooter.
Deploy Tasks are identified by ORANGE colors on the map. Deploy tasks typically have a 4-hour window to complete them. Deploy tasks can pay anywhere from $1.00 to $4.50 per scooter or $2.00 to $5.00 per bike. The average pay rate is around $2.28 per scooter and $3.15 per bike.

To find out what locations Lime is operating in and the current pay is for each task, click here.
How To Use The Lime Supply App –
You will need to download the “Lime Supply App” on your smart phone. This is the life blood of completing tasks and tracking your earnings. In the app, you can filter between specific tasks and between scooters and bikes. This is extremely beneficial if you only have time to swap a couple of batteries or just move a scooter.

In the app, you can also check on the status of your active, reserved, and completed tasks. It allows you to check on your ongoing tasks to see how much time you have remaining or where your battery level is currently charged to. You can also review your completed tasks and verify if the payout has been issued for them.

How To Swap Out Lime Batteries On Scooters And Bikes
Batteries are typically stored in the local LimeBase or warehouse. You will need to coordinate with your local area manager to verify the operating hours and system in place. To checkout batteries, simply scan each individual QR Code located on the back of the batteries. Then load up all those batteries and get to work in the city!
Finding batteries that need to be swapped on the app is very user friendly. Open up the Lime Supply App and go to ‘Map’ view. Take a few minutes to plan out your desired route and take advantage of your ability to reserve a task for 1 hour. To select a specific scooter or bike, simply touch the blue colored icon in the app and it will give you specifics.

To complete a battery swap task, you need to scan the scooter or bike’s QR Code and wait a few seconds for the old battery to be released. Then, simply place a freshly charged battery in the slot and rack it into place. The app will verify the new battery is good to go and then the task is complete! All in all, it takes less than a minute to complete a swap task.

When you are ready to drop off the depleted batteries, head back to the warehouse and turn them back in. The warehouse worker will take care of charging them or will walk you through what you need to do based on each locations standard operating procedures.
How To Pick Up Lime Scooters And Bikes –
Finding scooters and bikes that need to be charged, moved, or retrieved is very user friendly. Open up the Lime Supply App and go to ‘Map’ view. Take a few minutes to plan out your desired route and take advantage of your ability to reserve a scooter or bike for 1 hour. If you have reserved tasks, you can elect to only show those on your map which is amazing when there are a lot of open tasks.
To select a specific scooter or bike, simply touch the colored icon in the app and it will give you specifics. The app will tell you when the last GPS signal was and when it was ridden last. Once you get close by, you can ring the scooter or bike and it will sound off a little jingle to help you identify where it is or which one is yours in a large group. To physically claim the scooter or bike, click the ‘Scan to collect’ button and scan the QR code on the vehicle with your app. Then you can load the scooter or bike into your vehicle and take it home to charge or drop it off at at the warehouse or at a designation location in the city.

Just a warning, If you don’t complete the task within that hour, your reservation will expire. You will not be able to re-reserve the same scooter or bike. And, if you fail to complete three reservations within a short period of time, the app will limit your ability to reserve for the next 12 hours.
How To Drop Off Lime Scooters And Bikes –
When it comes to dropping off your scooters, you switch to the ‘Drop-Off’ view at the top of the app and then you can see the different spots that are available. LimeHubs are identified by BLACK colors on the map. The app will let you know the maximum number of scooters or bikes that can be dropped off in that specific spot. You can also filter out LimeHubs based on how many slots are available making it easier to navigate. You can reserve a spot for 1 hour at a time, which makes planning your drop offs easy.

Once you have selected a spot, the dark circle will outline the area you need to fit the scooters or bikes into. Sometimes it is very, very specific. To complete the drop off, click the ‘Drop-Off’ button in the app. Then you will need to scan each scooter or bikes QR code and then take a picture of all the scooters or bikes to confirm completion. Make sure you have good lighting, and the scooters or bikes aren’t blocking the sideway, ramps, or off the curb. You will get an email from Lime support if your drop-offs do not meet Lime’s standards.
How To Charge Lime Scooters
After you’ve picked up the scooters than need charged, now you will need to charge those batteries before redeploying them back into the city. It roughly takes 4 to 6 hours to charge a scooter, depending on its battery life and the type of charger you use. You need to charge each scooter to at least 95% to get full pay. The best course of action is to charge them all to 100%, that way you will have enough battery life to drop them off before the charge drops below 95%. If you drop off a scooter with less than 95% battery, you won’t receive full pay for your work. (Even if the battery just sucks at holding the charge and you really did charge it all the way.)
I’ve tried charging scooters in my truck bed and it just wasn’t time efficient enough to deal with that chaos. My truck bed is pretty tight so getting 20+ scooters to be set up perfectly for cables to be plugged into all of them is not an easy task. If I had a larger truck or a loading van, it might be a good way to charge them without the unloading and reloading aspect. So to charge the scooters I lined them all up in my home and charged them inside, overnight. Then I loaded them back into my truck the next morning and dropped them off in the city, fully charged.

If your logistics partner does not provide you with chargers, you need to purchase your own. I bought my chargers on Facebook Marketplace for $5.00 each. You can buy new one’s off of amazon for less than $20.00. Here is a link to one that I would recommend.

I used a setup with 5 chargers plugged into 1 surge protector strip that was backed by a small block of plywood. In total, I have 35 chargers (7 sets of 5) and I have never overloaded my electrical circuit or caused my breaker to switch. I like my 5 pack method because I can keep the chargers neatly together and can conveniently store them when not in use.
How Much Can You Make Charging Lime Scooters?
This largely depends on where you are located. Different cities have different pay rates for the various scooter tasks. For example Juicers in Seattle, WA can earn around $4.50 a battery swap, but those in Denver, CO only earn around $3.25 a swap, and those in Austin, TX can earn around $3.50 a swap. These rates are not set in stone and will fluctuate with the supply and demand of how many tasks need to be completed and how many people are working around you.
Price | Gross Earnings | Gas and Maintenance | Taxes | Net Earnings |
$2.50 | $25.00 | -$4.40 | -$3.83 | $16.78 |
$3.00 | $30.00 | -$4.40 | -$4.59 | $21.01 |
$3.50 | $35.00 | -$4.40 | -$5.36 | $25.25 |
$4.00 | $40.00 | -$4.40 | -$6.12 | $29.48 |
$4.50 | $45.00 | -$4.40 | -$6.89 | $33.72 |
$5.00 | $50.00 | -$4.40 | -$7.65 | $37.95 |
Let’s compare what you can earn for swapping out 10 batteries. Those who live in Austin can earn $25 while those who live in Seattle can earn closer to $34. The more swaps you complete in a singe trip, the better return you will see! Now, keep in mind you have to account for the time you spend collecting the batteries, swapping them out, and dropping the depleted batteries back off at the warehouse.
To find out what locations Lime is operating in and the current pay is for each task, click here.
How Do You Get Paid By Lime As A Juicer?
With Lime’s transition to Logistic Partners, the payouts have also transitioned to the hands of your Logistic Partner. Lime groups completed tasks daily from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM each day. Lime pays Logistic Partners once a week on Monday morning at 10:00 AM. Lime uses Hyperwallet to deposits the week earnings directly into their account. Logistic Partners are then responsible to pay their team of traditional employees or independent contractors. Some may pay out weekly, some every two weeks. It really is going to depend on your own situation. You can track how much money you have accrued and what has or has not been paid yet directly in the app itself.

Cons To Working As Juicer For Lime –
Batteries are not always available when you need them.
I get the rechargeable batteries from the local Lime Warehouse in my city. More than once, I have shown up with depleted batteries to trade in for fully charged ones only to find out there aren’t enough or even any batteries available for me to take.
Lime will unreserve a scooter or bike if a customer wants to use it.
This can be frustrating when you preplan a route and go out of your way to complete a task only to get a notification that the task is no longer available. Once you reserve it, it should be yours until you complete the task or the reservation time lapses.

The scooters and bikes are not always the easiest to find.
Lime’s software has gotten better but there are still times when I play the game, “can you find the scooter?” If you can’t physically get to the scooter or bike you can mark it as missing and on the app but you wont be compensated for the time you spent driving to the location or time spent looking for it. This gets frustrating, very quickly.

Lime will send you countless email’s saying your drop-off photo did not pass.
Lime has very particular standards when it comes to placing scooters and bikes and taking a photo of them while dropping them off at locations. I still get an email about 60% of the time stating my my drop-off photo did not pass because I was too close or too far away from the vehicles. Nothing has ever happened beyond the emails and I still receive full payment for my work but, that doesn’t make it any less annoying.
Is Working For Lime As A Juicer Still Worth It?
Yes, yes it is! Juicing with Lime is a great gig. If you operate as independent contractor, you can work when you want to and complete only the tasks that you want to do. You essentially work for yourself and have almost an unlimited earning potential. If you don’t have a big truck or van, you can still swap out batteries or do a quick move task on your way to or from work, school, or just even a shopping trip.
Even with the larger and heavier Gen 4 Scooters, I can load seven or eight in my truck bed at a time. The batteries are easy for me to store in my truck cab and I can do batteries swaps and move tasks at the same time. In the past few months, I have worked around 20 hours total and I have earned more than $600!
On average, I am earning $24.45 an hour even after factoring out the expenses (but not taxes). My best day this year I made $145.50 in just over 3.5 hours! It all comes down to when the high paying tasks are available and how close together they are. If you are smart and work hard, you can make a decent return for your time and energy.
How Do You Become A Lime Charger (Juicer)?
First things first, you need to download the new and improved Lime Supply App! You will also need to go to Lime’s website – You will need to sign up as a potential Logistics Partner (LP) or give the okay for an LP to reach out to you.
To see if Lime is running in your city, check out Lime’s current locations both in the United States and Internationally at

© EuduringFinances, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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